Weekly Dev diary #13 - Weapons
Hi, I would like to introduce to you today the work of our 3D artist Jirka. He's currently working on weapons and equipment for our characters. Our weapons are probably higher resolution than what they need to be in game, but the reason behind it is to look good in character selection screens, inventory or even for marketing purposes.
This is all reflected in the workflow which is pretty standard:
- create concept art and gather necessary references
- create temporary low poly model
- create hi poly model
- reduce it down to final low poly model
- unwrap uv maps
- bake normal maps
- texture it in substance painter
- check in the engine...
Weapons are fairly flexible for future modification so we are expecting that we will do a few variation of each.
First weapon created is the sniper rifle for our Standard "conventional" weapon( for non-modified characters). This weapon is based on magnetic technology accelerating bullets - known as a railgun.

Second concept to model is the Light machine gun. Another standard "conventional" weapon. High attack speed, heavy caliber weapon ideal for spray and pray type characters.

Switching to monthly updates
Hope you enjoyed our progress so far. We have decided that to be able to share more quality diaries with you, we will have to change our feed schedule to monthly basis. This will give us more time for more imformative posts about our progress. If you are enjoying our weekly feeds we will continue with smaller chunks of information at our discord channel, so all of our members can enjoy it first hand!
Thank you