DEV DIARY #19 - Loot mechanic, Exoskeletons, Laboratory complex

Hello everyone,

hope you had a good holiday break. Before you head down for the update, we are currently on the hunt for gamedevs to join our small team. If you feel you have what it takes to help push project of this magnitude towards the finish line check our JOBS section.

So here is what we have been up to recently. You can find video summary below.


Asteroid Mines

Our resources are limited so we decided to focus on Laboratory complex for now. That said here is the latest update - railing for the level.


Laboratory Complex

Our environmental artists are working on the whitebox models of the laboratory complex. In DEV DIARY #18 you can see some preliminary work on the tilesets for the industrial part of the complex. Picture below show the rooftop reception and the office spaces. Deeper you will go in to the complex it will change its environment to more industrial/military look.




Exoskeleton is a basic equipment for non-modified “heroes” to find in the game. We realized that only one exoskeleton might not be enough for player to enjoy non-modified career, so we are working on a few more variations - from Tier 0 (base suit) to Tier 2.


Security Droid

At last we have a small security droid concept. It will help us to figure out workflow for mechanical enemies.I can’t wait to see this one crawling in the corridors.



The code team has been busy(as always). AI got massive improvements with enemies reacting better to player movement.

We implemented core feature of Hack’n’slash ARPG - DROP&LOOT system with setup of item stats, tiers and rarity. Few features, like rules for random item generation, analyzing of inventory items(identify) and character sheet with basic layout and attributes(more of this in next update).

If you want to know more you can find us at our discord channel.

See you with next update.