Dev Diary #18 - A.I. attacks, gear changing, BODYTYPEs AND MORE…
Hello everyone,
Our newest DEV diary is finally here. Since it looks like people liked the video summary format, you can find it below.
If you have any questions regarding the content, let us now in the youtube comments, on our social media, or on our discord channel.
Our character team managed to add another player character body type, a new gear-set, and finalized textures for the Armor/Evasion hybrid gear set.
ENERGY based Gear set - Personal Shield
Wraith(INT) bodytype
Finished Textures for Armor/Evasion hybrid Gear set - Power Armor
Bodytypes Comparison from left to right - Shadow(AGI) , Wraith(INT), Slugger(STR)

Concepts and variations for Personal shield and Composite Armor
Our Environment artists discovered the power of Blender (namely boxcutter and the hardops plugin) and decided to redesign some of our Laboratory walls.
We are still looking for experienced Environment artist to help us. If YOU like the ARPG genre (Diablo, Path of Exile) and have the drive to push this project with us towards release, you can contact me (LKR) at our discord or through the email form on this website.

The code team has been busy; our inventory system got a major overhaul, so we can already test out armor and weapons and change them in the game. Enemy characters have an initial version of A.I. with aggro, attacks and deaths.
Our VFX artists and audio designer got long needed support for their effects.
We are also looking for an experienced database coder to help us create architecture for an Action RPG server. You can contact me (LKR) or Æbone at our discord or through the email form on this website.
Our composer explored a few more music ideas to establish a mood for the game. Let us now which one is your favorite.
The project is moving slowly but with every little update it motivates us to push even harder. We hope you like what you see.
Thanks and see you later with another update.